Marie claire naked issue goes on sale today

The Marie Claire Naked Issue goes on sale today. Do go and get it! It goes towards a really good cause!

I guess I haven’t introduced you to Frankie. Yes, well, I’ve become one of those mothers I swore I would never become. Ooching and cooching and “oh she’s so clever” … well, Frankie really is, So clever.

Like mother, like daughter…

Man, how she’s worked her way into our hearts :)

So for more information , see, and lets help our fury friends! xx

Marie Claire Naked Issue, SPCA

2 Responses to “Marie claire naked issue goes on sale today”

  1. brazen 16. Feb, 2011 at 16:01

    awwww, What a cute little doggie.

  2. Simone 17. Feb, 2011 at 07:59

    Belly Rub Alert!!!! Love the white on her chest + back paws. How sweet!