Playing with plascon

I was really excited to do this before and after project with Plascon Paint Magazine. Here are some behind the scenes pics of the process.

Mark off a gird on your boring office wall with masking tape.

Paint over the masking tape with chalkboard paint and leave to dry over night. Pull off the masking tape and voila, a calendar. Each month all you have to do is rub off you chalk notes and write in the numbers and new month.

Paint some sturdy wood to bring in colour through a trestle desk and accessorize as you please.

I was even more excited to have one of my absolute favourite design sites feature this shoot. Check it out here on Design Sponge.

Wall Clock, @Home, Storage boxes, Woolworths, chairs, Id Solutions,  Vivienne Tam Note Book, Hp.

, , Hp Vivienne Tam Note Book, , Paint, Plascon paint,
Pearls, feathers, bubbly & treasures
Trinket families
  • Cupcake Couture

    I really love this idea. Amazing shoot.