Posts Tagged ‘My Design Series’

My design series


Soo it’s been a LOOONNGG! time since I did a My Design Series Post. But there are lots of exciting (hopefully for you too) posts in the pipeline. From studies and bedrooms being moved around to new carpets and frames and a bathroom renovation in planning stages. So,these posts should be back with a bang.

See below my latest addition to the kitchen. An old industrial shelf  I had. Works perfecting in my chalk board corner.




Aaah, the Coveting-ness is over. I was really lucky to get an early birthday present from my folks. My Moroccan Coffee Table I’ve been dreaming of for ages. Aren’t the little ones too sweet for side tables or next to your bath *dream* for pretty smellies and an orchid or something….

Floors, Mortice & Tenon, Table and Nguni Rug, Moroccan Warehouse, Light, The Lighting Warehouse.


I’m so grateful my parents kept my beds from when I was little…


I showed you the fabric I bought from Lula Fabrics to recover my dining room chairs and the fabric I bought at Shine Shine. I made a cushion with the left over Lula fabric from the chairs and got a mattress upholstered with the Shine Shine Fabric. Along with some black enamel paint, I’ve made a little day bed.



New light fittings are an easy way to update a room. I love these industrial styled lights from The Lighting Warehouse. BEFORE:


I’m loving decorating our guest room. If anyone knows where to restore an old wrought iron bed, let me know, please! I’m still on the look out for some amazing pictures to hang on the wall above the bed.

I love how the grey floors (By Mortice & Tenon) and the brushed metal light fitting add a modern touch to this room being filled with fabrics I’ve found on our travels, Moroccan bedside tables (The Moroccan Warehouse) and the antique bed past down from my parents.

We are going to hang the other light from The Lighting Warehouse above our dining room table. I think it’s nice to have a few fittings that are the same to tie everything together.

Now that I think about it, a nice chandelier or light would be great on our patio . . . off to look! Here are some more cool lights from The Lighting Warehouse. Love!

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