Purchase of the month.


How easy and guilt free can it be. After building and paying for an upcoming honeymoon, I am broke! I haven’t been able to shop in ages and it’s been killing me! Until I saw these gorgeous aloe cushions by Mongoose on babazeka .com . It just makes it too easy browsing online, punching in some credit card details and 3 days later you have this beautifully wrapped gift with free Babazeka sticker and 10% off your next purchase. It had to be done! And I am thrilled with my 2 new cushions.

The bonus is Babazeka is an online store that’s socially aware and Mongoose is just one of the many suppliers. So you’re money is being put back into the community, creating jobs and empowering women from underprivileged backgrounds!

You are going to LOVE this site come Christmas, especially for all your overseas friends! There is no need to leave home and the gift wrapping and love put into each gift is truly special!

9145bd06e293a7b986be70c2a6eaafa9 I have my eye on the Mongoose bag next 😉

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