
Reflection Friday: That Capsule Wardrobe Lifestyle

Something I’ve been fascinated with for a while now – capsule wardrobes and living with less! It’s been bit of a personal struggle (being a stylist & fashion blogger with a love for shopping) and it’s perhaps one for that #yearoffear list! 

(Image Via Here)

As I mentioned in my #yearoffear post, we let a lot of stuff go with our big move – it was a wonderful, light feeling. When we got to Dublin however, opening our boxes a few months later, I was rather surprised at some of the things that I had kept (because there are always “what-if”s). I was not as ruthless as I’d thought I’d been. Again, with our apartment being small, we let go of more stuff!

I’m now wanting to take it to the next level! WHY?

  • My head feels clearer
  • It helps with decision fatigue ( Like when your cupboard is bursting but you’ve got nothing to wear – now, everything just works together making life easier)
  • I feel liberated – I own stuff, stuff doesn’t own me!

As I said, it’s a constant personal goal and not always easy. I’ve opened my shoe cupboard a few times already to edit and simply closed it again! That’s my next goal!

Want to learn more about living with less, living with intention and “letting go!”? Check out Courtney Carvers Blog, Be More With Less & her insightful post, 10 Books That Changed Me! 

(Image via Be More With Less)

Happy Reading!

TIP: Turn all your coat hangers facing the same direction. Every Time you wear something, put the coat hanger back facing the opposite direction. Soon you’ll begin to see what never gets worn.

Pinterest as a productivity tool

As I may have mentioned, I listened to some inspiring podcasts during the holidays. One that stuck out was an interview with Cynthia Sanchez on how to be productive using Pinterest. Now most of us know how much time we can waste on there, getting sucked in by pretty pictures.Sure, boundaries need to be set, but it can be super useful when needing a little inspiration.

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Listen here on how you can use Pinterest effectively and as a productivity tool. Also, check out this pinning tool so you can pin and save articles, recipes etc from your favourite sites.
